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Serves: 10–12
Gluten Free

Let’s make a delicious and simple gluten free dessert cake to celebrate the fact we’re halfway through winter and it’s all going to get lighter and brighter from here on in.

The gluten free flour, olive oil and sour cream combination makes for the lightest of spongey textures. It’s almost a cake and nearly a desert. Serve warm or hot with lashings of creamy stuff and blueberry drizzle and give thanks to the good people who grow and freeze blueberries so we can enjoy them year around.

*** And if gluten free isn’t your deal use plain white flour instead.


1 c sour cream
4 eggs
½ c olive oil
1 c sugar
2 t vanilla essence
1½ c gluten free flour
½ c almond meal
1 t GF baking powder
1 t baking soda
Pinch of salt
Zest of 2 lemons, grated
¼ c lemon juice
Extra oil and almond meal for lining Legacy Pan
1½ c frozen blueberries
¼ c shredded coconut


½ c frozen blueberries
1 c icing sugar
1 T lemon juice


Sour cream, whipped cream, yoghurt, mascarpone.


Heat oven to 150°C fan forced.

Whisk sour cream, eggs, olive oil, sugar and vanilla essence together until well combined.

Sift in the dry ingredients and mix well, then stir in the lemon zest and juice.

Lightly grease your Legacy Pan with oil then sprinkle with almond meal, making sure it’s evenly distributed on the bottom and sides of the pan.

Pour the batter into the pan and spread it out evenly with the back of a spoon. Then finish with a layer of frozen blue berries and a sprinkling of coconut.

Bake for 40 minutes until puffed and golden and a skewer comes out clean.

While the cake is baking make the blue berry drizzle by whizzing all ingredients in a high-speed blender.

While the cake is still hot drizzle half the drizzle over the top reserving the rest for drizzling over individual slices.

Happy Solstice Ironcladians.