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Serves: 6 – 8

Filled with protein and vegetable goodness this is a vegan soup worth celebrating winter for. And I’m always up for a celebration! Particularly right now. My body might be 100% acclimatized to Aotearoa again but my taste buds and soul are still adventuring in Europe.

So, when dreaming up this soup I recalled a plate full of warm hummus dusted in toasted cumin seeds, served up to us in a tiny Turkish restaurant in the back streets of Bodrum, far from the just starting to become madding crowds of summer tourists. Hummus is traditionally served warm throughout the Middle East, straight out of the pot and onto the table. I can still bring that creamy, cuminy, garlicky, lemony hummusy taste to mind and this soup tickled our taste buds and memories in the very best of ways. Really, it’s just a big hot of steaming hot, but slightly green, hummus. And it’s super fast and easy. You have already done most of the work making the stock!

I’m all about the toppings on soups. Not only do they look good, but they also add layers of texture and taste. A handful of chopped roasted almonds adds a surprising crunch to the creaminess. And don’t stir in that drizzle of chilli/olive oil and lemon zest before you take your first mouthful and taste the zing! Yoghurt - coconut or Greek depending on how vegan you are - or warmed hummus are also delicious served atop. Really the options are endless. Have a look in your fridge and pantry and see what tickles your fancy.

I hope you’re inspired to make this and, if you do, that your taste buds transport you to where the sun is shining, and the hummus is served warm.



4 c magical roasted vegetable stock
The swede, carrots, onions and garlic from making the stock.
2 c water, plus extra
1 large bunch of kale, stripped of all stems
1 tin chickpeas, liquid included
½ c tahini
¼ c extra virgin olive oil
2 T cumin seeds, toasted
1 bulb garlic, crushed.
Juice of 2 medium lemons
Zest of 1 medium lemon
Lots of salt and Pepper to taste
** use Miso instead of salt


Chilli oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra toasted cumin seeds
Chopped roasted almonds
Lemon zest
Toasted sesame seeds


Coconut yoghurt or Greek Yoghurt


Squeeze onion and garlic out of their skins and add to Old Dutch pot with all the rest of the soup ingredients and bring to boil. Turn down to a simmer and cook for 5 mins.

Blend till smooth and creamy, adding extra boiling water if it’s too thick. Check for seasonings and add extra salt or miso and pepper as desired.

Drizzle and sprinkle the seeds, nuts, oil, and lemon zest on top of the soup and serve hot to the table in the Old Dutch where people can blob hummus or yoghurt into that hot steaming bowl of goodness.

Serve with warm pita, or some warm sesame pita. Pita recipe to come soon.