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Celebrate all that is decadent about Christmas with this most fragrantly delicious slow poached orange and star anise chicken in olive oil. Crispy on the outside and beyond succulent inside, confit is a miracle of a cooking process. 

The Asparagus with Beetroot Sauerkraut brings crunch and freshness to the meal with the creamy, cheesy polenta adding another layer of decadent yum. 

The Ironclad Old Dutch, Legacy and Lil’ Legacy pans all play starring roles in creating this meal. AND you get to serve your Christmas dinner in a fleet of Ironclad Magic!



2 whole mandarins, pips removed
2 inch fresh ginger, peeled and sliced into large chunks
1 bulb garlic peeled
¼ large onion
Large handful of fresh coriander and fresh fennel fronds
5 star anise 
20 black pepper corns
2 T salt
¼ c sunflower oil 

Organic Free Range Bostock's chicken, whole legs (leg and thigh, skin on)
1 extra mandarin cut into segments and extra bay leaves to grill the chicken with 


2 c cold pressed sunflower oil 
3 c olive oil 
8 bay leaves
6 dried or fresh orange slices


2 c chicken stock
½ c instant polenta
Large knob of butter
¼ c parmesan grated 
¾ c tasty grated cheese
Salt to taste 


3 bunches asparagus, steamed 
Beetroot Sauerkraut 
6 T mayonnaise plus one T anchovy paste, mixed


To make the marinade place all ingredients in your high-speed blender and blend until smooth.  

In a non-corrosive bowl evenly layer the chicken and marinade. Then cover and pop in the fridge for at least 12 hours and up to 24. 

Remove chicken from fridge one hour before cooking it. Remove the excess marinade with your hands then pat each leg dry and clean with a paper towel.  (You can save the left over marinade and freeze it for another batch of confit chicken). 

Heat oven to 150°C.

Tuck 3 chicken legs into the bottom of your Old Dutch, skin side up. Scatter half the bay leaves and half the oranges over the chicken. Create another layer of chicken, skin side up, on top and finish with bay and oranges. 

Gently pour the oil over the chicken. Add more or less depending on the size of your legs to ensure the chicken is fully covered in oil. On the stove top over a medium heat, bring the oil and chicken up to 125°C. it will take about 15 minutes to get to this temperature.  

Cover the Pot with your Old Dutch Lid and cook for 1½ hours in the oven. 

Remove chicken from the oven and gently transfer the chicken from the hot oil to your Legacy pan, skin side up, in one layer. Tuck in the extra mandarin and bay leaves and grill for 15 minutes or until chicken skin is sizzling and deliciously golden brown. Keep an eye on them. You don’t want to burn your baby! 

As the chicken grills bring the chicken stock to the boil in your Lil’ Legacy Pan then slowly pour the polenta in a steady stream whilst whisking all the time. Cook for 2 minutes then add the butter, cheese and salt to taste, mix well then pop under the grill with the chicken to crisp up the top.   

Arrange the freshly steamed asparagus in the lid of your Old Dutch, drizzle with mayonnaise, sprinkle with Sauerkraut and serve the whole Ironclad Fleet straight to the table. 

And have a very happy Ironclad Christmas.  

** Strain the cold used oil through muslin cloth and store in the fridge. Delicious for roasting spuds. Or, now you are a confit expert, for your next batch!