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What do you get if you mix bittersweet chocolate with mini easter eggs and top it all off with a layer of Chocolate Bark and rock salt? The most decadent Ironclad Brownie ever. Perfectly fudgy, not too sweet and made even more delicious with a sprinkling of crunchy rock salt.

And the best news?

This is a one pan dish in every sense and superfast too. Mix it all up in the pan, bung it in the oven, drizzle with melted chocolate, chill and boom!


200 g 92% dark chocolate, chopped
180 g butter
1 c packed brown sugar
5 small eggs beaten
3 t vanilla extract
5 T unsweetened cocoa powder
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
1½ c flour
200 g white mini easter eggs frozen


250 g white chocolate, good quality
Drop of red food colouring
100 g dark chocolate
Rock salt to taste


Heat oven to 180°C.

Melt butter in your ironclad pan. Turn off the heat. Add chopped up dark chocolate and stir with a metal spoon till the chocolate has melted.

Stir in brown sugar, vanilla and salt and leave to cool till just warm.

Now stir in the beaten eggs, followed by the sifted cocoa powder and baking soda and flour. Don’t over beat.

Flatten the top with a spatula and using a paper towel wipe away any mixture that has stuck to the top of the pan or is above the level of the mix in the pan.

Push the white mini easter eggs into the mix.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, checking in the later stages that it is only just set in the middle. You don’t want to overcook it as the Brownie will continue to cook in the pan when you take it out of the oven.

In the last 10 minutes of cooking melt your chocolate for the marbled bark.

Break the white chocolate into pieces and melt in a bowl in the microwave. Every thirty seconds give it a stir, then repeat till melted and smooth.

Melt the dark chocolate in the microwave as above.

Remove one quarter of the white chocolate to a separate bowl and colour with red food colouring.

While the brownie is still hot pour the white chocolate into the centre of the brownie and smooth out, leaving an inch free from the edge of the pan

Fill in that inch with the melted dark chocolate.

Place 4 blobs of pink chocolate evening spaced on top of the white chocolate.

Using a knife swirl the three chocolates together to create a marbled effect.

Sprinkle with rock salt and let cool. If you want it to cool quickly whack the whole pan in the fridge.

To serve, use a heated knife to cut through the chocolate bark.