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If salmon is the king of all fish, then High Country Salmon might just be the king of all salmon!

Not all salmon are created equal. High Country Salmon is farmed in the crystal clear glacial waters of the Mackenzie country and is deemed to be some of the tastiest in the world! And why you might ask? Well, unlike sea farmed salmon, these freshwater fish spend their lives swimming against the permanently strong currents of the canals, instead of lazing around waiting for the tide to turn. This results in a leaner fish with a firmer texture and a much cleaner mouth feel. You know that “this is just too rich and fatty” feeling you can get halfway through a serving of salmon? This just doesn’t happen with High Country Salmon.

I’ve always loved serving crispy skin salmon with a fresh fruit salsa. The tartness of the fruit pairs perfectly with the richness of the fish. The trick to creating the perfect salsa is getting the balance between sweet and savoury just right. This mango, red onion, coriander and feta salsa is super simple and quick, finished off with a dollop of burst-in-your-mouth caviar jewels. This is a dish fit for a king!

I love this time of year when my coriander plants are going to seed and I can sprinkle the crunchy little green seeds and scatter the flowers across my plate. Don’t pull your going-to-seed coriander plants out too early. The green seeds have the most aromatic flavour and add a delicious crunch. The flowers are not only pretty, they’re pretty tasty too! Oh, and another thing - you know how disappointing it is to cut into a mango and it’s just not quite as beautiful as you had imagined it would be? Well, look no further than OOB Organic Diced Mango. I spotted it in the freezer and thought 'Hey!' that could work and indeed it did. It’s sweet, juicy and delicious, and the only thing missing was the stone to suck on!

Thanks High Country Salmon for farming your fish with love so that we can serve it up to the people we love.


800 g High Country Salmon
Salt flakes
3 T olive oil


350 g OOB organic frozen diced mango, or 2 medium mangos diced
½ large red onion sliced thinly
1 juicy lemon squeezed
½ t rock salt, or more if you like it saltier
2 cloves garlic minced
3 T fresh coriander ripped not finely sliced


3 T olive oil
100 g feta crumbled
4 T High Country King Salmon caviar
Fresh green coriander seeds and flowers (optional)


Dry the salmon skin with a paper towel and cut into 4 x 200 g portions.

Place the fillets on a plate and into the fridge, skin side up. Let them dry out for an hour.

Toss the red onion in lemon juice and salt and leave to marinate for half an hour.

Remove the salmon from the fridge and lightly oil and salt each side.

Heat the rest of the olive oil over a high heat in your Legacy Pan until nearly smoking. Turn heat to low then place the salmon fillets skin side down in the pan and press down on them with the back of a fish slice for a few seconds to allow the skin to connect evenly with the pan.

Cook for 5 - 7 minutes depending on the thickness of the salmon.

While the salmon is cooking, toss the mango, red onions, lemon juice, salt, garlic and coriander leaves lightly together. Don’t over mix.

Turn the salmon and cook for a further minute. Flip and heat up that crispy skin for another 30 seconds before serving.

Place the salmon fillets on a serving plate. Spoon the mango salsa over the top, then sprinkle with feta and dollops of caviar. Finish with a sprinkle of coriander seeds and flowers.