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Spiced Orange, Dark Chocolate & Olive Oil Carrot Skillet Cake with Caramelised Carrot Topping

Spiced Orange, Dark Chocolate & Olive Oil Carrot Skillet Cake with Caramelised Carrot Topping

Serves 6-8


300 g carrots, ribboned
½ c maple syrup


6 T extra virgin olive oil
¾ c coconut sugar
2 T fresh orange juice
1 ½ c coconut flour
4 T cornstarch
3 T rice flour
1 T cinnamon
2 t baking powder
½ t salt
½ t mixed spice

¼ t ground cloves
1 c grated carrot
¼ c sultanas
2 T coconut
Zest of 1 orange
1 c dark chocolate, plus more for topping


Preheat the oven to 160°C.

In a deep roasting pan, mix ribboned carrots with maple syrup and roast for 15 minutes, or until soft. Transfer carrots to a bowl and reserve the juices (use a silicone scraper to get it all out).

Beat sugar and oil with the carrot roasting juices until combined. Add remaining wet ingredients and beat well.

Add remaining ingredients except for chocolate chips and stir until fully combined.

Pour into the prepared pan and sprinkle over chocolate chips. Arrange carrots over the top, and sprinkle over a few more chocolate chips and coconut sugar if desired.

Bake for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 120°C and bake for an additional 5 minutes.